cutmp3, as the name implies is a simple command line tool to edit and cut MP3 files without loosing any quality. cutmp3 can edit the mp3 files interactively or selection (start time and end time) can be provided from the command line or even better can be used with a timetable fiile specifiying different start/end times from the same MP3 files.
cutmp3 - Command Line MP3 Editor in openSUSE
Submitted by susegeek on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 17:16TV-Browser - A Digital TV Guide in openSUSE
Submitted by susegeek on Tue, 03/31/2009 - 15:59TV-Browser is a simple Digital TV Guide that supports more than 500 TV channels and 80 Radio stations. TV-Browser collects TV program information from different sources on the internet and presents it neatly as a Digital TV Guide with pictures where there possible (if there are no copyright issues).
Convert DVDs to xvid (avi) using dvd2xvid in opensuse
Submitted by susegeek on Thu, 01/29/2009 - 02:35Dvd2Xvid is free opensource simple easy to use utility to convert DVDs into Xvid video formats. dvd2xvid is a simple GUI for MEncoder aimed at converting DVDs to xvid formats.
Top Video Players
Submitted by nikesh on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 07:35list of top video players available in linux
Elisa - open Media center, multimedia player for openSUSE Linux
Submitted by susegeek on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 17:04Elisa is an open source cross-platform media center connecting the Internet to an all-in-one media player. While primary development and deployment platform is GNU/Linux and Unix operating systems, elisa also currently support Microsoft Windows. Elisa runs on top of the GStreamer multimedia framework. In addition to personal video recorder functionality (PVR) and Music Jukebox support, Elisa will also interoperate with devices following the DLNA standard like Intel’s ViiV systems.
Exaile Music Player - Music Player for GTK+ in openSUSE
Submitted by susegeek on Sat, 08/30/2008 - 15:58Exaile is a music player aiming to be similar to KDE’s Amarok, but for GTK+ and written in Python. It incorporates many of the cool things from Amarok (and other media players) like automatic fetching of album art, handling of large libraries, lyrics fetching, artist/album information via Wikipedia, submission support, and optional iPod support via a plugin.
Clive - Download videos from YouTube & other video sharing websites
Submitted by susegeek on Fri, 08/15/2008 - 16:54clive is an open source command line tool to extract videos and to bypass the need to use Adobe Flash in order to view user-generated content available on video-sharing websites. Clive supports Youtube, GoogleVideo, Dailymotion, metacafe, Guba, Sevenload, Myvideo. Clive converts the downloaded Flash Video into a MP4 file avoiding the need of having a Flash Video Player.
Youtube-dl - Download videos from Youtube in openSUSE
Submitted by susegeek on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 15:45youtube-dl is a small free opensource command-line program to download videos from youtube-dl is a platform independent tool that works on UNIX, Linux, Mac OSX and Windows. The latest version of Youtube-dl is 2008.08.09 and requires the Python interpreter, version 2.4 or later.