Oracle SQL Plus Command Reference


At the SQL prompt, you can begin typing any SQL command. Upon hitting return (i.e., enter key) the SQL prompt will change to line number prompts. When you are finished typing a command, type / or RUN to execute the SQL command. Also, a semicolon at the end of the SQL command will execute the command immediately after hitting return. In addition to SQL commands, /, and RUN, other commands can be issued at the SQL prompt (a semicolon does not have to follow the nonSQL commands).


  • DESCRIBE tablename -- lists the attributes and their specifications of tablename
  • EDIT -- Places you in an editor. The buffer contents are put into the editor
  • GET filename -- Retrieves a file and places it into the buffer
  • SAVE filename -- Saves the buffer to the name file
  • START filename -- Executes the commands in the file
  • CLEAR BUFFER -- Clears the buffer

Line Editing

One way to change an SQL statement in the buffer is by using the line editor. The following are a list of line edit commands.

  • LIST or L -- Lists the contents of the buffer
  • LIST n or L n -- Lists the contents of line number n in the buffer and makes the line current
  • LIST * or L * -- Lists the current line
  • LIST m n -- Lists the range from m to n line
  • Append text or A text -- Adds to the end of the current line (e.g., "A ," adds a comma to the end of line
  • INPUT or I -- Adds one or more lines after the current line so you can begin adding the text.
  • CHANGE /text -- Deletes text from the current line
  • CHANGE /oldtext/newtext--Replaces oldtext with newtext in the current line
  • DEL -- Deletes the current line

Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.

alter user syntax

changing password:

alter user <user_name> identified by <new_password>;

locking user:

alter user <user_name> account lock;

unlocking user:

alter user <user_name> account unlock;

change password and unlock user:

alter user <user_name> identified by <new_password> account unlock;

Oracle Exports

$ exp <user>/<pass> file=<name>.dmp log=<name>.log

i don't find the "exp"

i don't find the "exp" command for linux... where I can find it?
Thank you!
