A basic Varnish installation consist of Varnishing sitting in from of your web server (referred to as back-end), clients will interact solely with Varnish and never know there is a back-end web server (nor should they have access to the back end directly). When a request comes in to Varnish for a page that is being cached over a standard HTTP connection Varnish will either service this directly to the client (without sending a request to the back-end) from Varnish’s cache if exist or if not in cache will send a request to your web back-end over its TCP socket via an HTTP request...
Secure browsing with SSH Tunnel and SOCKS Proxy Forwarding
Submitted by sandip on Tue, 07/28/2009 - 00:19(via embraceubuntu.com)
$ ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server
This will create a SOCKS proxy on port “9999″ of your computer (localhost). This is a secure tunnel to the server. Now all you have to do is set the preference in Firefox to use a SOCKS proxy. The proxy is, “localhost”, with the port 9999.