Tips on XML

Cut and paste javascript RSS feeds...

Use the dev center Feed2JS to quickly display RSS feeds on your website using only a simple javascript code that can be cut and pasted to your html files.

myXML for PHP

myXML for PHP - myXML is a PHP implementation of the W3C's DOM, XPath, and XSLT recommendations that does not
require additional libraries. It allows you to take advantage of XML/XSLT technologies even if your provider does not support it. The DOM API features standard names for methods and properties and should be compatible with future releases of PHP. The library allows the execution of PHP code on the fly, and inserts result into a DOM tree or attribute value.


XML for <SCRIPT> - XML for SCRIPT is a simple, non-validating XML DOM and SAX parser written in JavaScript. It was designed to help Web application designers implement cross-platform, client-side manipulation of XML data without having to resort to proprietary platform-limiting solutions. It includes extensive documentation on both its DOM and SAX parsers as well as a host of tools, sample applications, and test suites to aid in developing applications based on its technology.

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