After reading much about and seeing screen-captures of the new Fedora Core 6, I decided to upgrade to it. Unfortunately, when FC6 booted up nothing mentioned or shown in the reviews came up by default. I had to go around finding out what was missing and installing the applications that would have otherwise been installed by default (if it were a new install instead of an upgrade).
Here is a quick recap of what I did:
Upgraded using DVD ISO from an external USB hard drive which worked perfectly.
Had to apply a whole bunch of updates to get the system up to date.
# yum --enablerepo=extras update
# rpm -e kernel
# yum --enablerepo=livna install kmod-nvidia
This also got rid of my errors with CPU frequency scaling.
# yum install compiz
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# wget
# yum --enablerepo=aiglx update
Upon reboot, you can now enable/disable the effects via: "System > Preferences > Desktop Effects".
You can also turn on the compositing manager using command line, via:
$ gconftool-2 -s '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool true
Also, make sure you have the below lines in your "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" file:
Section "extensions"
Option "Composite"
Adding Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" to the "Device" section of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf will also give you increased performance.
If using nVidia card you will need nvidia driver version 1.0-9625 or higher for it to work. If you have installed the latest kmod-nvidia from the livna repository, it shouldn't be an issue.
I was getting high CPU loads when using twinview mode of my nvidia graphic card.
# yum --enablerepo=livna install kmod-ndiswrapper
Disable bcm43xx by adding the below line in "/etc/modprobe.conf" file:
blacklist bcm43xx
# yum install yum-updatesd
Another change that I made to the default firefox browser font via "about:config" typed in the url, "font.default.x-western" was to switch it to "sans-serif" instead of the defaulted "serif" font, which greatly enhanced the clarity of pages that I visited that did not specify any font type.
# yum install beagle tomboy evince gome-power-manager gnome-pilot-conduits
With the gnome-power-manager installed, you get the option to "Suspend" the computer, however I have had no success with either suspend or hibernate with my Dell D800 laptop.