Get a Report of Missing Files from Apache Error Log

If you manage several sites on a server and want to track down the missing files, here is a hacked up script to do so. Put it into a weekly cron and chmod the file to be an executable.

# /etc/cron.weekly/
# report of top 20 missing files in error_log
# array of error_log file paths of the different domains.
log_file=("/path/to/domain1/error_log" "/path/to/domain2/error_log" "/path/to/domain3/error_log")

(for ((i=0; i<${#log_file[@]}; i++))
  echo "Report of top 20 'missing' files in ${log_file[$i]}."
  for x in `grep "File does not exist:" ${log_file[$i]} | awk '{print $13}' | sort | uniq`
  do grep $x ${log_file[$i]} | wc -l | tr -d '\n'
    echo " : $x"
  # Change the head value to the number of missing files to report.
  done | sort -rn | head -20 
done) | mail -s "Missing File Report"

Change the "" to reflect the email address of the person that should get the reports.
