Here is how, I was able to generate graph of the workflow being used in Trac. This helps quite a bit when trying to visualize the workflow that is being setup.
The packages required were ghostscript (ps2pdf conversion) and graphviz (graph creation).
Graphviz is available in DAGs/rpmforge repository, so do an install via:
# yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install ghostscript graphviz graphviz-python
Once graphviz is installed generate config files:
# dot -c
Download the corresponding contrib files from the trac svn:
$ wget
$ wget
Make the files executable and run:
./showworkflow /path/to/trac.ini
This should generate a pdf file in the same directory as trac.ini file.
Note: If doing this on a server xpdf will fail, so move the pdf to a web accessible directory to view it.