This is very good tutorials for bandwidth monitoring,network monitoring and servers monitoring tools with clear step by step installation guides this includes Nagios,MRTG,RTG,Netmrg,Darkstat,monit,munin,mon,oreon,Saidar ,Cacti,Bigsister,ibmonitor,zabbix.This resouce is Very useful for Users and Administrators to monitor their networks,bandwidth and servers.
Opensource Bandwidth,Network and Servers Monitoring tools with Tutorials
Submitted by david23 on Wed, 08/23/2006 - 03:45- david23's blog
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Darkstat - Nework Traffic Analyzer or Network Monitor
Submitted by david23 on Mon, 07/03/2006 - 11:49darkstat is a network statistics gatherer.
Effectively, it's a packet sniffer which runs as a background process on a cable/DSL router, gathers all sorts of useless but interesting statistics,and serves them over HTTP.
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Complete Debian linux server setup Guide
Submitted by david23 on Sat, 06/03/2006 - 10:55Installation,FTP Server Setup,Webserver Setup,Samba Server Setup,Database Server Setup,time clock sync server,Mail Server Configuration,VNC Server setup,Proxy Server Setup,SSH Server Setup,tftp Server Setup,DHCP Server Setup,IPtables Configuration,DNS Server Setup,Firewalls configuration,Backup configuration
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Protect Server againt Web Intrusions with mod_security
Submitted by sandip on Thu, 02/03/2005 - 22:57ModSecurity is an open source intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications. Operating as an Apache Web server module, the purpose of ModSecurity is to increase web application security, protecting web applications from known and unknown attacks.
Download tarball from
Check that you have "httpd-devel" installed.
Backup your original "httpd.conf" file.
After extracting, compile and install from the relevant apache direcoty, via:
# apxs -cia mod_security.c
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Check your spellings on the Command Line Interface
Submitted by nepalexpo on Tue, 01/25/2005 - 15:52The aspell command, from the aspell package is designed to spell check files. This package also provides the command spell, ispell, and run-with-aspell which call aspell in different ways.
For example, to check if the word "compatible" is correct, execute the command:
echo compatible|aspell -a
The output should be similar to:
@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 *
This output shows that "compatible" is spelt correctly.
However, if you try to check the word "compatable," the output would be:
@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20
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Rolling Back Your System with RPM
Submitted by nepalexpo on Tue, 01/18/2005 - 22:28Configuring a rollback capability in your system is just a matter of taking a few well-planned steps. They involve creating some macros for the rpm system, choosing a "safe point" - the point in time before which you won't want to roll back your system - and creating an archive directory for rpms replaced by new versions.
Each time you update or uninstall an rpm package in a rollback-enabled system, the rpm is actually repackaged and archived. It's not deleted. That allows you the capability to re-install that package at any time.
Further, the system allows you to use an intuitive rollback criteria, such as `rpm -Uvh --rollback '3 days ago'`. This is done by the use of a field in the rpm database known as the Transaction ID (TID). The repackaged package is also noted with the TID. When rolling back, any package equal to or older than the requested TID (as interpreted from the plain-english time) is re-installed on the system. You can also rollback one particular package by `rpm -Uvh --rollback <package>`.
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Redirection of Input and Output...
Submitted by nepalexpo on Tue, 01/18/2005 - 15:42To read from an input file instead of typing the input in.
$ program < input
To send the output to an output file, this is hard to figure out if the program is interactive, since the prompts go to the output file.
$ program > output
To append the output to an output file
$ program >> output
Read the input from the input file, put the output to the output file.
$ program < input > output
Some programs output data to stderr not stdout ( the compiler is an example ). If you want to capture the compiler warnings in a text file try this.
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vi Editor Basics...
Submitted by nepalexpo on Sat, 01/15/2005 - 23:53Getting Started
The command "vi" without any file name will open a new file where you can enter the text and edit but while coming out you will be asked to enter a valid file name to save the text.
"vi" with a existing file name will open that file for editing.
Partitioning, formating and mounting the Ximeta 120GB External (NDAS) HDD
Submitted by sandip on Tue, 11/16/2004 - 18:24The NetDisk™ by Ximeta is the first external hard drive that can be connected to either your Local Area Network (LAN) or directly to any PC via USB 2.0. Multiple PCs can simultaneously access any data on the NetDisk™ without sacrificing performance.
If you are connecting it to your network, drivers for some of the popular Linux distros are available on their website. However, it is built against older kernels. Hopefully they will come out supporting the latest kernels.
If you are connecting locally via USB, then it should be picked up as a SCSI hard-drive ( /dev/sda ) automatically.
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Using Fedora Core's up2date with Fedora Legacy
Submitted by sandip on Mon, 11/15/2004 - 14:31The Fedora Core up2date program is, by default, only configured to update from the Red Hat servers. Once your Fedora Core version reaches End of Life, you will want to reconfigure it to use the Fedora Legacy repository so that you can continue to receive updates.
Step 1: Preliminaries: Install up2date
This document assumes you have already installed and are using up2date on your system. If not, it is perhaps better to use yum instead; please see "Keeping Fedora upto date with Yum !" for information on how to install and use yum on your machine. Official documentation can also be reached at:
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