Feed aggregator
Edits-to MySQL, Web Scrapping, Geolocation..
Ask for details linux only ................................ (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: Geolocation, Linux, MySQL, PHP, Web Scraping)
AWS EC2 Wordpress Installation
I need aws expert to install wordpress on aws ec2 (Budget: $30 - $250 SGD, Jobs: Amazon Web Services, Linux, PHP, System Admin, WordPress)
Dear Team, I would like to have a Mobile Voip dialers that would be compatible with all the mobile operating systems like Symbian, Android, IPhone, Windows Mobile and Blackberry for VOIP Block county, specially for UAE/Oman with a crystal clear voice ... (Budget: $750 - $1500 USD, Jobs: Android, Asterisk PBX, Linux, Mobile App Development, VoIP)
Need help in Fixing Java based Project
Need help in fixing below issue: 2019-12-06 09:12:57.249 ERROR 10559 --- [http-nio-9300-exec-12] c.s.c.r.service.LogExtractService : listTailOfActiveServicesAuditLogByServer => error processing... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Java, Javascript, Linux, MySQL, PHP)
Create a K8s & Docker deployment demo with PHP
Dear prospective engineer, for a side project I need someone to build me a proof of concept. The end goal (and thus deliverable) is the following: A simple proof-of-concept of an automated multi-instance... (Budget: €8 - €30 EUR, Jobs: Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, PHP, System Admin)
Require a skilled freelancer for Cloud Mining project
Hello, I require a freelancer for a college project. The project is all about mining a cryptocurrency "litecoin" on AWS or any other vps. 1.The project consists of mining bot(Developed in Python or C) in order to carry out mining process... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Amazon Web Services, Linux, PHP, Python, Software Architecture)
Multi Point Touch screen driver conversion into Single touch screen driver
I have a Fujitsu E24-9 with 10 point touch screen. I need to convert it in single touch screen to connect it with Sony Video switcher in Linux OS environment. . (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Linux)
Digital forensics -- 2
In need of a trained mobile forensic investigator for case study and analysis. (Budget: $1500 - $3000 USD, Jobs: Data Extraction, Linux)
Config squid proxy
Hi I have a solution. Need you solve SOLUTION - I have 100 private proxies with authentication or not - I want to config in my server proxy with ip with 100 port + 1 private proxies outgoing 1 port (Exp: -> Meaning when i use proxy (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: CentOs, Linux, Network Administration, System Admin, Ubuntu)
IPTV Administration Panel
I need a specific IPTV administration panel to be installed on a server.The Panel is named iptvpanel.net and information about it can be found at the following links : http://iptvpanel.net/, https://www.worldofiptv.com/forums/iptvpanel-net.45/... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: Linux, MySQL)
Implement posix threads in Linux
I want to implement posix threads in Linux. I will provide complete details in chat. (Budget: $30 USD, Jobs: C Programming, Linux)
Deploy a Odoo Server in the web with Docker
I would like the ERP ODOO Comunity V13 to be deployed in the web with a Virtual Machine ubuntu 18.04, with the necessary security and support to update and costumize in the future, the work must done with... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: Linux, Odoo, PostgreSQL, Python, Server)
Deploy My Php app in AWS Beanstalk from my bigrock server
Hello, I have a small php project in my bigrock server. Presently, I am running a mobile app from it using it as an api. I want to move to AWS server. So, need a person who can do it in low cost and by... (Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR, Jobs: Amazon Web Services, Apache, Linux, MySQL, PHP)
Linux kernel extension to add permissions for syscalls
I need a linux kernel extension to add permissions for syscalls. I will provide complete details in chat. (Budget: $100 USD, Jobs: C Programming, Linux)
computer security
SSL Client-Server with Java Packet Capture using libpcap DNS spoofing using C or Pythona nd libpcap sql injection I need four small codes on these topics (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: DNS, Internet Security, Java, Linux, Web Security)
Developer needed to optimize hosting account files
We need a developer to optimise our hosting account - our three sites hosted by Bluehost are down and showing a white page / HTTP 500 error. Host has advised that the site files exceed the disk space for the files with very high disk usage... (Budget: $30 - $250 AUD, Jobs: HTML, Linux, PHP, Web Hosting, WordPress)
multithreaded webserver in c++ that does patch command
I need help with a progamming project. I am trying to build a multthreaded webserver in cpp that handles a PATCH command. I am doing this using CURL. I have the multithreading down and the GET and PUT command taken care of... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: C Programming, C# Programming, C++ Programming, Linux, Software Architecture)
Expert in Machine Learning Using Python - 06/12/2019 19:14 EST
We are seeking an expert in machine learning using Python to conduct a code review of an algorithm, and then subsequently work with our database engineer to adapt the code to an automation workflow. We will send you a list of things to look for in the code for quality analysis... (Budget: $250 - $750 USD, Jobs: Java, Linux, Machine Learning (ML), Python, Software Architecture)
Translate this C code into Correct Working Python code with no bugs nor errors
The task is translate the C code inside the tar file into Python code. The only C code we are touching and translating is the code inside the COMPILER folder, we are translating those files to C code.... (Budget: $50 - $120 USD, Jobs: C Programming, C++ Programming, Linux, Python, Software Architecture)
Reverse proxy anti DDoS nginx module
I need an anti DDoS nginx module, it should look at behavioral patterns, etc. (Budget: $250 - $750 USD, Jobs: Linux, Nginx, Objective C, System Admin)