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Freelancer Linux latest projects
Updated: 5 years 1 week ago

Need Email server setup on my server in putty

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 07:47
Need Email server setup on my server in putty as it doesnt work (Budget: £10 - £20 GBP, Jobs: DNS, Email Handling, Linux, PHP, System Admin)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

i am getting data from my web socket and some one change the socket database value how i can stop ?

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 06:50
Hello My request for this job I have web socket and its open not much secure so my hacker user are connect my web socket and they change the value on my front end How's is possible if... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Linux, MySQL, PHP, Software Architecture, Web Security)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Build a server to allow l2tp tunnel to allow static ip at home

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 06:45
build a server in aws to allow this (Budget: £10 - £20 GBP, Jobs: Amazon Web Services, Linux, OpenVPN, VPS)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Data processing with Apache Spark and Python

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 06:08
I have access to around 400 GB of tabular data stored in the Google Cloud, but only around 50 GB are used actively in the data processing. I am a programmer and have been working on this project, but due to time limits, I am thinking of hiring you to help me out... (Budget: $10 - $140 AUD, Jobs: Data Mining, Data Processing, Linux, Python, Software Architecture)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Edits-to MySQL, Web Scrapping, Geolocation Linux

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 05:23
Ask for details....................................... (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: Linux, MySQL, PHP, Web Scraping)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

need whmcs module for auto setup off my vpn panel

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 04:46
need a module to control vpn panel, main thing is to create a user for desired length of panel (Budget: £10 - £20 GBP, Jobs: HTML, Linux, PHP, Software Architecture, WHMCS)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Edits-to MySQL, Web Scrapping, Geolocation..

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 04:04
Ask for details linux only ................................ (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: Geolocation, Linux, MySQL, PHP, Web Scraping)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

AWS EC2 Wordpress Installation

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 03:47
I need aws expert to install wordpress on aws ec2 (Budget: $30 - $250 SGD, Jobs: Amazon Web Services, Linux, PHP, System Admin, WordPress)
Categories: Freelance, Linux


Sat, 12/07/2019 - 02:43
Dear Team, I would like to have a Mobile Voip dialers that would be compatible with all the mobile operating systems like Symbian, Android, IPhone, Windows Mobile and Blackberry for VOIP Block county, specially for UAE/Oman with a crystal clear voice ... (Budget: $750 - $1500 USD, Jobs: Android, Asterisk PBX, Linux, Mobile App Development, VoIP)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Need help in Fixing Java based Project

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 01:55
Need help in fixing below issue: 2019-12-06 09:12:57.249 ERROR 10559 --- [http-nio-9300-exec-12] c.s.c.r.service.LogExtractService : listTailOfActiveServicesAuditLogByServer => error processing... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Java, Javascript, Linux, MySQL, PHP)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Create a K8s & Docker deployment demo with PHP

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 01:29
Dear prospective engineer, for a side project I need someone to build me a proof of concept. The end goal (and thus deliverable) is the following: A simple proof-of-concept of an automated multi-instance... (Budget: €8 - €30 EUR, Jobs: Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, PHP, System Admin)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Require a skilled freelancer for Cloud Mining project

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 01:19
Hello, I require a freelancer for a college project. The project is all about mining a cryptocurrency "litecoin" on AWS or any other vps. 1.The project consists of mining bot(Developed in Python or C) in order to carry out mining process... (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Amazon Web Services, Linux, PHP, Python, Software Architecture)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Multi Point Touch screen driver conversion into Single touch screen driver

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 01:02
I have a Fujitsu E24-9 with 10 point touch screen. I need to convert it in single touch screen to connect it with Sony Video switcher in Linux OS environment. . (Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR, Jobs: Linux)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Digital forensics -- 2

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 23:32
In need of a trained mobile forensic investigator for case study and analysis. (Budget: $1500 - $3000 USD, Jobs: Data Extraction, Linux)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Config squid proxy

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 22:20
Hi I have a solution. Need you solve SOLUTION - I have 100 private proxies with authentication or not - I want to config in my server proxy with ip with 100 port + 1 private proxies outgoing 1 port (Exp: -> Meaning when i use proxy (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: CentOs, Linux, Network Administration, System Admin, Ubuntu)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

IPTV Administration Panel

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 21:54
I need a specific IPTV administration panel to be installed on a server.The Panel is named and information about it can be found at the following links :, (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: Linux, MySQL)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Implement posix threads in Linux

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 21:52
I want to implement posix threads in Linux. I will provide complete details in chat. (Budget: $30 USD, Jobs: C Programming, Linux)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Deploy a Odoo Server in the web with Docker

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 21:41
I would like the ERP ODOO Comunity V13 to be deployed in the web with a Virtual Machine ubuntu 18.04, with the necessary security and support to update and costumize in the future, the work must done with... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: Linux, Odoo, PostgreSQL, Python, Server)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Deploy My Php app in AWS Beanstalk from my bigrock server

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 21:32
Hello, I have a small php project in my bigrock server. Presently, I am running a mobile app from it using it as an api. I want to move to AWS server. So, need a person who can do it in low cost and by... (Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR, Jobs: Amazon Web Services, Apache, Linux, MySQL, PHP)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Linux kernel extension to add permissions for syscalls

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 21:26
I need a linux kernel extension to add permissions for syscalls. I will provide complete details in chat. (Budget: $100 USD, Jobs: C Programming, Linux)
Categories: Freelance, Linux
