We Can’t Pretend Juice Is Healthy for Babies Anymore
Juice is liquid candy. Sure, it has a few more vitamins than your average can of Coke, but it also has more sugar. Your days of pretending it’s healthy are over: the American Academy of Pediatricians has finally found the guts to tell us to stop giving juice to babies.
What TV-Show Foods Are You Obsessed With?
Happy Monday, and welcome back to to What’s Cooking?, the weekly open thread where you get to share all of your brilliant thoughts, advice, recipes, and opinions on all things edible. This week I want to chat about the fictional foods you wish were a reality, specifically iconic dishes from your favorite TV shows.
How to Protect Yourself Online, with Former Black-Hat Hacker Hector Monsegur
This week on The Upgrade we talk with Hector Monsegur, Director of Assessment Services at Rhino Labs.
You Can Now Order Food on Facebook—But Do You Need To?
You no longer have to peruse multiple websites (or even paper menus) or talk to someone on the phone to order takeout and delivery. Thanks to apps like Grubhub, Seamless and PostMates, ordering food is easier than ever. And now Facebook is aiming to further streamline the process: without ever leaving the app, you can…
A Guide to All the Best, Worst and Weirdest 2017 TV Pilots You’ll Probably Never Watch
As our favorite shows begin their descent into the void (New Girl, Scandal, Girls), new shows are once again out here crying for approval. This year’s TV pilots—full of mostly white male leads and showrunners—include military dramas, medical dramas, Will & Grace and a Lucifer-produced Big Bang Theory spin-off we don’t…
Amazon's Blowing Out Refurbished Echo Dots For the Lowest Price Ever
Amazon usually sells certified refurbished Echo Dots for $5 less than new models, but for now at least, that discount has increased to $12. Refurbished Dots still carry the same warranty as new ones, so there’s really no downside to going this route if you want to sprinkle these around your home on a budget.
Will It Sous Vide? Let's Pick Another Topic!
Hello friends, and welcome back to another topic-picking session for Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I make whatever you want me to with my immersion circulator.
Today's Best Deals: Anker Robotic Vacuum, FitDesk 3.0, Activewear Sale, and More
A $150 robotic vacuum that’s actually good, the new FitDesk 3.0 and a mouse to ease wrist pain lead off Monday’s best deals from around the web.
Ward off Wrist Pain With This $15 Wireless Vertical Mouse
Whether your current mouse is giving you chronic wrist pain, or you just want to try something different, this 4.3 star rated wireless ergonomic vertical mouse from Anker is only $15 today, or $5 less than usual. In addition to the clever design, it even comes with three adjustable DPI settings and forward/back…
How to Make Fluffy, Trendy Cloud Eggs
Hello readers! Welcome to Sunday Sustenance, a new weekly column highlighting easy meals for the laziest day of the week.. Normally, I’d use this opening paragraph to say “I’m new around here”, but I have a terrible secret – I’m not. In fact, I’ve been around for a while and veterans of the Skillet comments section…
Two Grilled-Cheese Alternatives for People Who Can't Eat Bread or Cheese
If you are a person who avoids either bread or cheese, you may think that your days of experiencing melty, stretchy, grilled cheeses are behind you—but don’t be so sure. We have two options—one for people who can’t eat bread, and one for people who can’t each cheese—and each are delicious.
Follow These People on Twitter to Help You Understand the Trump/Russia Connection
It’s a lot, right? It’s a lot. It is a firehose of news. How are we supposed to live our lives, cook a meal, uncrimp our hunched-over necks? Even when I shut my computer, it still flashes its little light in the corner, ready to alert me to the horrors of the world like some kind of pulsing Hellmouth.
Ode to the Graphing Calculator
The ridiculously expensive Texas Instruments graphing calculator is slowly but surely getting phased out. The times they are a-changin’ for the better, but I’m feeling nostalgic. I have some wonderful memories associated with my TIs.
What to Do When You Need $100, Fast
A new poll from Bloomberg suggests that almost half of Americans would have a hard time affording a $100 emergency, like a speeding ticket, medical bill, or other unexpected expense. Consider the idea that maybe this says less about the financial habits of Americans than it does our garbage economy.
Twitter Changed Their Privacy Policy, So Update Your Settings
Twitter introduced an updated privacy policy on Wednesday that has users worried about how their private information is being tracked, stored and used. In the policy, the micro-blogging platform announced its plans to discontinue a privacy preference it previously honored, store your cookies for a longer period of…
Ask Dr. NerdLove: How Do I Get Better At Oral Sex?
Hello all you pervert people of the intertubes, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the time-jaunting dating advice column that helps you avoid mistakes before you make them.
3-Ingredient Happy Hour: The Sweet and Tart Mulligan
Happy weekend, and welcome back to 3-Ingredient Happy Hour, the weekly drink column featuring super simple yet delicious libations. This weekend is going to a hot one—or at least moderately warm one—so I think a porch sipper is in order.
Light Up Your Site With BioLite's NanoGrid
Yesterday we took a look at BioLite’s CampStove 2, and today we’re diving into their lighting ecosystem.
How to Make a Graduation Cap Fit on Kinky or Curly Hair
If a graduation cap won’t fit over your hair, maybe it’s the cap that needs a little styling. Natural hair vlogger Chizi Duru shows us how.
Will It Sous Vide? A Boozy Chocolate-Cherry Sundae
Welcome to this week’s edition of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I usually make whatever you want me to with my immersion circulator.