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python expert needed

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 19:59
python expert needed to build a python script. more details will be shared through chat (Budget: $10 - $100 USD, Jobs: Linux, Python, Software Architecture)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

configuración de server vestacp

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 19:56
Configurar servidor vps dns y crear dns. en ubuntu server (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: DNS, Linux, Ubuntu, VPS)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Marks Calculator

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 19:40
The objective of the project is to develop a command line program that reads a text file containing a complete set of course marks for a group of students, and computes their final overall mark for the course (out of 100) and their corresponding letter grade (A+, A, etc)... (Budget: min ₹2500 INR, Jobs: C Programming, C++ Programming, Linux, Software Architecture)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

C Code for Dynamic Memory Allocation

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 19:11
Operating systems information is required. Linux, C language and dynamic memory allocation information is required too. - Please do not bid low and give higher prices when we contact. I will not accept them... (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: C Programming, Engineering, Linux, Software Architecture, UNIX)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

C Program to run a pipeline of different processes

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 18:48
I need a C programmer to create a pipeline in order to complete three different processes to an input file and output to an output file. The processes are linux processes, they are not custom processes. (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: C Programming, Linux, UNIX)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Add Watermark/Overlay to Wowza Streams

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 18:12
Add Watermark/Overlay to Wowza Streams I have my own server and want to add Color Overlays and even Text Overlays (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: HTML, Javascript, Linux, PHP, Software Architecture)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

HAProxy Config

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 17:20
Need help on haproxy, updating config dynamically when change in versions or change in servers. (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: HTTP, Jenkins, Linux, Shell Script, UNIX)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Docker compose for prestashop shop.

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 17:18
I need fully automated process for setting up shop based on prestashop. I have files for working shop site. I need docker compose configuration for quick setup working with one line "docker-compose up"... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: HTML, Linux, PHP, Prestashop, System Admin)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Plataforma SMS procolo SMPP

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 16:57
Requiero desarrollar modulo SMS protocolo SMPP. (Budget: $15 - $25 USD, Jobs: Java, Linux, MySQL, PHP, Software Architecture)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

servidor stream JELLYFIN realizar cambios.

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 16:51
Se necesita hacer cambios estructurales a servidor stream JELLYFIN, venta directa a la cliente, (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: Javascript, Linux, PHP, VPS)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Replicar Base de datos mysql Master - Slave -- 2

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 15:56
Deseo replicar dos Base de datos Mysql master y la otra slave con el motivo de proteger los datos de estas dos base de datos. (Budget: $10 - $100 USD, Jobs: Database Administration, Linux, MySQL)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

Streaming server MPEG 2 TS/UDP or MPEG 2 TS/RTP

Freelancer.com - Wed, 12/04/2019 - 15:41
Do I need a streaming server for my Sony PXWX180 XDCAM XAVC cameras. (Budget: €30 - €250 EUR, Jobs: Linux, Nginx, Server)
Categories: Freelance, Linux

How to Upgrade Centos 7 to 8

HowtoForge.com - Thu, 11/07/2019 - 04:27
CentOS 8 has been released on Sep 23rd, 2019 ISO's are available on the official website. This tutorial I will show you how to upgrade from Centos 7 to Centos 8.
Categories: Linux

How to Install ExpressionEngine CMS on CentOS 8

HowtoForge.com - Wed, 11/06/2019 - 01:48
ExpressionEngine is a mature, flexible, secure, free open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP. This guide will walk you through the ExpressionEngine installation process on a fresh CentOS 8 using PHP, MariaDB as a database, and Nginx as a web server.
Categories: Linux

How to setup PostgreSQL Streaming Replication with Replication Slots on Debian 10

HowtoForge.com - Tue, 11/05/2019 - 09:45
PostgreSQL is a powerful and feature-rich relational database management system (RDBMS). This tutorial shows you how to set up streaming replication with replication slots on two Debian 10 nodes.
Categories: Linux

How to Install Webmin on CentOS 8

HowtoForge.com - Mon, 11/04/2019 - 05:02
Webmin is a free, open-source and web-based system configuration and management tool for Unix-like operating systems. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Webmin using two different methods on CentOS 8.
Categories: Linux

The Missing Man Page

SoftwareAs.com - Mon, 04/15/2019 - 04:00

If only man pages were as good as the first Google result, I idly tweeted while trying to coerce curl into post a form [1]. The ensuing conversation led me to think about exactly what is missing in man pages.

When I say “the first Google result”, I’m not talking about StackOverflow in this case. We can all agree Stack has mystic levels of ability to answer the question your man page can’t, or not in under 15 minutes anyway. I’m thinking more about reference material; what exactly is wrong with man pages? And why do the newer alternatives, such as tldr pages, fall short of replacing them?

My primary thesis is that man pages are an artifact of a long-bygone era, where the only electonics docs available were those that shipped with the tool itself. There was no web and no convenient way to collaborate at scale.

With man pages being tethered to the tool itself, this means that the docs are maintained by the tool maintainer, who is not always best equipped to write documentation. This is probably better nowadays, for tools using Github/Gitlab etc, where others can come in and improve docs, however it was suggested on Twitter that some maintainers may block valuable contributions. There’s also the well-known lack of funding for generic tools, which means even if project maintainers wanted someone to create better docs, there’s no funding for it.

Compare that to the incentive to create a gret web reference, where a company like W3CSchools can rake in $millions as the top Google result for just about any search. It’s a competitive marketplace.

In fact, this is a problem with all official docs. Even tools which do have viable commercial models still have poor online documentation in many cases. Take a look at MySQL’s documentation on creating a new user. User management is one of the main pain point of friction in the system, and this is their official documentation for it. You land from Google and you’re greeted by this giant complicated regex, wrapped in a jungle of navigation links! Is it any wonder DigitalOcean pays a writer to make a sane third-party reference guide in an SEO play that could end up outranking the official doc?

This illustrates that the people creating the tool aren’t necessarily the people best placed to document it? That doesn’t have to be the case of course. These days, companies understand the value of developer experience and some, like Stripe, produce outstanding docs. However, that doesn’t translate to your run-of-the-mill Unix staple.

This is where tools like tldr and cheat can make a difference. They are separate from the tool itself, anyone can contribute. However, their explicit goal is to be concise, which means they are not an apples-to-apples alternative because man pages are designed to be exhaustive.

My biggest gripe with the format of man pages is that they try to act too much like textbooks, which is entirely inappropriate when you are trying to get some quick info to solve a problem. Again, it’s an artifact of a time before the web, where the most convenient way to ship around an essay about the tool was ship it with the tool. Here, for example, is what I see with man find.

You’d never see this level of caveats and hand-waving in a Digital Ocean sponsored post on how to find files on your file system. At the least, it would be buried at the bottom of the doc, with the important stuff, like a simple annotated example first.

So what I’d like to see is something exhaustive, but with options grouped logically, not alphabetically, and each one of them illustrated by examples. Man pages don’t do this and nor do tldr or cheat.

Making better documentation is a lot of hard work, which is why StackExchange abandoned its Documentation experiment. So I don’t see the problem being solved anytime soon, and it’s why I’ll continue using a web search for now.

  1. I’d normally be using the more inuitive HTTPie for this, but sometimes you need to share it with people who are used to curl.

Virtual filesystems in Linux: Why we need them and how they work

LinuxToday.com - Mon, 03/11/2019 - 15:00

Virtual filesystems are the magic abstraction that makes the "everything is a file" philosophy of Linux possible.

Categories: Linux

How To Convert PDF To Image (PNG, JPEG) Using GIMP Or pdftoppm Command Line Tool

LinuxToday.com - Mon, 03/11/2019 - 14:00

Learn how to convert the pages of a PDF document to image files (PNG, JPEG, and others).

Categories: Linux

How to setup Cron Job on Ubuntu 18.04

LinuxToday.com - Mon, 03/11/2019 - 13:00

CronJob is the task scheduler in Linux which schedules the task at a specific time or schedules task to repeat itself after a specific time.

Categories: Linux

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